Meet The Staff

Rabbi Refoel Silver was born in Belgium and raised in Brooklyn, NY. After completing his undergraduate studies at the Chicago Ohr Eliyahu Rabbinical College, he continued his postgraduate studies at the TTL Brunoy Rabbinical Yeshiva College of Paris, France.

During his rabbinical training, Refoel conducted and led holiday services and Jewish educational programs in many Jewish communities around the world, including Italy, Morocco, Ukraine, Lithuania, France, and Switzerland. ​

In 2015, Refoel was ordained by several prestigious European Rabbis while studying at the Rabbinical Seminary of Antwerp, Belgium. After his marriage, he furthered his studies at the Kolel for advanced Rabbinics in Brooklyn. ​

Chani Silver (née Pevzner) was born and raised in Paris, France, to her parents, who serve as directors of the renowned ‘Institutions Sinai’ Jewish day school network, with a student base of over 3,200. ​

She graduated with honors from the esteemed Beth Rivkah Teacher’s seminary and Jewish Educational Institute in Israel, where she obtained her degree in Judaic Teaching in the Diaspora. Chani then went on to teach and direct programs at the Bnot Menachem High School in Moscow, Russia. In 2016, she moved to New York to continue her teaching career at the prestigious ‘Rabbi Arthur Schneier Park East Day School. ​

In September of 2017, Rabbi Refoel and Chani, along with their then-baby Chaya, moved to Curaçao to establish Chabad of Curaçao and serve as Rabbi and Rebbitzen of Shaarei Tsedek.

Rabbi Refoel and Chani are the proud parents of Chaya (born in New York) and Zalman, Hillel, and Yehudis (born in Dushi Curaçao), who look forward to greeting you in Curaçao soon!
Chabad of Curacao
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